Book Four
Violence of a Sexual Being
November 2021
Old Bedding, red ink, acrylic paint and red thread
51 cm x66cm
This Book was created through the inspiration and integration of what was said in the survey, taking into account more of the women involved. This book acts as a juxtaposition to the others as it is more violent in its meaning and apperenace.
this book speaks to both the indivdual story of a young girl but also the stories of other women in my survey that have delt with partner/ martial rape. Consisting of 6 pages (the total amount of ladies who were raped by their partners), the book brings forward the need for recognistion and understanding of partner rape because a lot of women didnt even know it was a thing, they were seen as “doing the duties as a partner in the bedroom”.
It speaks to the violence that occurs in a safe place through the use of old bedding and blood like staines originating at where the two pages met, with a violent rough stiching as binding. The book is also the dimensions of a pillow case, further referencing the ide of rape in a safe space.